Just a reminder: School will be in session on Monday, February 17, 2025. This day was initially scheduled as a built-in snow day.
about 23 hours ago, South Newton
school in session
Tonight's middle school wrestling meet and 7th grade girls basketball game have been postponed.
2 days ago, Chris Bell
Due to the weather, South Newton schools will be closed on Thursday, February 13th. It will be an e-learning day with a 2 hour delay schedule.
2 days ago, SN Information
South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Thursday, February 13.
3 days ago, SN Information
South Newton Schools will be dismissing classes at 1:00 PM today, February 12, due to current winter weather conditions. All buses will leave at the same time. There will be no early or late buses. No PM preschool.
3 days ago, SN Information
Due to the weather, South Newton schools will be closed on Thursday, February 6th. It will be an e-learning day with a 2 hour delay schedule.
9 days ago, SN Information
South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Thursday, February 6.
9 days ago, SN Information
South Newton phone systems has been restored and are now working.
10 days ago, SN Information
South Newton phone systems are experiencing problems with incoming calls on the morning of Feb 5. Until this is resolved, please submit an absence for your student to attendancees@newton.k12.in.us (Elementary students), attendancems@newton.k12.in.us (Middle school students) or attendancehs@newton.k12.in.us (High school students). Updates will be posted when the issue has been resolved.
10 days ago, SN Information
Mark your calendars - Young Entrepreneur Day is Saturday, April 5, 2025! Registration opens Wednesday, February 5, 2025!
11 days ago, South Newton
Young Entrepreneur Day
South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Friday, January 31.
15 days ago, SN Information
It’s School Board Appreciation Month! Please take a moment to thank the members of our school board for their outstanding leadership and dedicated public service.
17 days ago, South Newton
school board
SN Student Council will host a blood drive on Wednesday, February 12th! If you would like to sign up to donate blood, you can scan the QR codes on the flyers around the school, visit this link: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=snewhs, or see Ms. Doan in room 104. Students must be at least 16 to donate blood, and they must have a signed permission slip. Permission slips are available from Ms. Doan in room 104 or Mrs. Kindig in room 133. We have about 40 slots to fill - please sign up & help save a life!!
23 days ago, South Newton
blood drive
South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Wednesday, January 22.
25 days ago, SN Information
Due to the weather, South Newton schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st. It will be an e-learning day with a 2 hour delay schedule.
26 days ago, SN Information
Due to weather conditions South Newton schools will be closed with no e-learning on Monday, January 20th.
27 days ago, SN Information
South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Wednesday, January 15.
about 1 month ago, SN Information
South Newton will be on a 2 hour delay for Monday, January 13.
about 1 month ago, SN Information
All buses left the schools at 1:50 pm. Please expect delayed arrival of students due to road conditions.
3 months ago, SN Information
South Newton Schools will be dismissing classes at 1:30 PM today, November 21, due to current winter weather conditions.
3 months ago, SN Information